Auditions for Love’s Labour’s Lost

Auditions for the Wichita Shakespeare Company’s June production of “Love’s Labour’s Lost” will be held Saturday March 29th from 2 to 5 pm and Monday March 31st from 7-9 pm. Auditions will be at University Friends Church 1840 W University Ave in Wichita. Roles are available for 9 Men and 7 Women ages 12-80 years old (One role MOTH could be cast with a young boy or girl). For additional questions, contact director Michael Webber at 316-239-7100 or by email at


The Lovers

FERDINAND – age 18-50 – King of Navarre, he creates the group devoted to learning and turning away from the vices of women, overeating, alcohol, etc. He is dashing, strong, and a natural leader.

BIRON – age 18-50 – A renowned womanizer, he agrees to join Ferdinand and turn his back on vice. He is attractive, witty, and rebellious.

LONGAVILLE – age 18-50 – A notorious lover of “food,” he agrees to join Ferdinand and turn his back on vice. He is large, innocent, and a little slower than his fellows.

DUMAIN – age 18-50 – A true lover of “drink,” he agrees to join Ferdinand and turn his back on vice. He is unconventional, wild, and more pessimistic than his fellows.

PRINCESS – age 18-50 – Princess of France, she is sent to Navarre on business for her father. She is beautiful, head-strong, and royal.

ROSALINE – age 18-50 – Known for her quick tongue, she was led on by BIRON at a dance once. She is attractive, witty, and willful.

MARIA – age 18-50 – She is larger than her friends but is by far the sweetest. She is loyal, honest, and supportive.

KATHARINE – age 18-50 – She is wilder than her friends and prone to mild depression. She is forward, dark, and unexpected.

The Clowns

SIR ANTHONY DULL – age 30-80 – A loyal servant of King FERDINAND, he is good-natured but lives up to his name.

COSTARD – age 20-60 – A country guy, he is unlearned and full of spunk. He also doesn’t think before he speaks.

ARMADO – age 20-50 – A Spainard, he does not speak or understand English very well. He is earnest and madly in love with JAQUENETTA.

MOTH – age 12-25 – He (or she) is ARMADO’s servant. He is young but quick and full of wit.

BOYET- age 20-80 – He is the PRINCESS’s servant. He is flamoyant and prissy.

SIR NATHANIEL – age 40-80 – He is the local reverend. He shares a love for absinthe with HOLOFERNESS.

MADAME HOLOFERNESS – age 40-80 – She is the local schoolmaster. She is critical, haughty and addicted to absinthe.

JAQUENETTA – age 20-60 – A country wench, she’s just a girl who can’t say no.

MERCADE – age 18-80 – A servant of the King of France who arrives bearing sad news.