Announcing Auditions Online for Viral Shakespeare: The Second Wave

Via the Google form link, please submit contact information and a link to a self-taped video of two contrasting Shakespearean monologues.
If you already have a self-taped video of two contrasting Shakespearean monologues, we welcome that. Please do not submit links to full productions or to video reels.
If not, we have supplied within this Facebook event (and on our website) two lists of edited monologues. Please select one from the comedic list and one from the dramatic list. It is not essential to memorize for these auditions.
Google Drive and Dropbox work well, (but be sure to set it to “Anyone with the Link can view”).
Directors of individual videos may contact you for an online Call Back and/or may request a resume at that time.

The audition form will accept submissions through Friday July 31, 2020; however, individual directors may cast early so submitting as soon as possible is recommended.
Types of works to be presented may include comedies, tragedies, histories, poetry, or other.

This audition is only for our September 2020 Viral Shakespeare online event and as always we are an All Volunteer Organization.
All auditions, call backs, rehearsals, and video/audio recording will be completed online/remotely during August 2020. Platforms and schedules for those will be determined by individual directors. Directors and shows will be announced soon:

More information may be listed on the Event on our Facebook page.

Poster Design by Troy Dilport