Auditions for the September production of “Merry Wives of Windsor” will be Saturday, July 13 from 1-4pm and Sunday, July 14 from 1-4pm at University Friends Meeting, 1840 W University St, Wichita, KS 67213.
This is a primarily outdoor production, and actors should be prepared for being outdoors in Kansas in late August and September. Rehearsals will be Tuesday through Friday evenings in the month of August.
All roles are available. Cold reads from the script will be used for auditions. WSC is open to casting new actors, new-to-the-park actors, and roles are open to all genders and ethnicities, age 14 and up. You may attend one or both days of auditions.
There are 18 roles available. In particular, we need three strong actors playing middle aged women, three strong actors playing middle aged men, and three strong actors playing middle aged people of any gender.
Performances will be Friday through Sunday at 7pm, September 13th through September 29th, 2024.
The abridged script being used is available at the following link. Edited by Jane Tanner.
Directed by Ben Blankley
If you have any questions about auditions, you may FB message either WSC or Ben Blankley.